Barbara Braman

Self portrait taken in my studio, art work seen behind me is by Jacob Hashimoto.

Self portrait taken in my studio, art work seen behind me is by Jacob Hashimoto.

In my art I am exploring my experience with time. In the series Waiting Women, I explore different sorts of waiting whether we are waiting for someone or time itself to pass. Other series express a moment in time (Frozen Beaches) or the passage of time (Notice Art). 

I am a digital artist and photographer. I use a wide variety of techniques from photography to mixed media to digital mixed media in my work. I use various cameras, the iPhone, and the iPad to create images that explore what I see everyday. I live on Cape Cod, a small seaside community in Massachusetts.

My work has been included in local, national, and international shows. I teach classes and workshops in Mobile Digital Art at the Cape Cod Art Center and organize a bi-monthly Cape Cod Digital Artists group.